COVID19 Update:


I am currently supporting customers during the COVID19 outbreak in the following way:

I have set up a home studio for products and campaigns (10 x 19 feet) that accommodates most needs. I have a 14 month old girl, a 6 year old boy, myself and my husband (late 30s, skinny build). While we aren’t all models, we’re ready to do what we can to let your brand shine. We aren’t charging model rates for this, we’re doing it because we’re in this together. Photos of us can easily be provided. Additionally, we’ve opened up our home as a location for any in environment setting based photographs that may be needed.

I am limiting travel and exposure on locations. I am currently on the seacoast of New Hampshire (about an hour north of Boston, MA) and am doing limited in person photoshoots. During in person shoots, I will be wearing a mask during the entire shoot. Anyone who will be working with me during the shoot on set will be asked to wear a mask, the exception being models who will remove their masks for makeup and being in front of the camera. All other times models will be asked to wear a mask.

Recent photos of us:

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