Shame on me. Instead of being a good blogger and posting when I wasn’t working, I was playing. Provincetown…..Maine….. Bimini…. jealous? Sorry, being that summer is the slow season in Miami I feel like I have to rub in that when I haven’t been working I was playing and traveling. It’s only fair that I get to brag once in a while, I host gaggles of friends and family in the winter months so that obligates them to return the favor and host me when the weather is rotten where I live.
But it hasn’t been all play. Quite the opposite. I booked all these fun trips thinking I would be board out of my mind with summer here. Instead it has been pure madness. The photography business is booming (which is always good), so goodbye weekends, goodbye running to the beach before dinner. The penance for my playing is that I get no breaks. Even Sam has felt the wrath of my insane summer (if you promise me you’ll help stack my photographs in Photoshop, you better deliver, that’s all I’m saying). Seriously, Matt, are you listening to this? Hope your having fun in NYC…. (teasing, only teasing).
So here’s the proof I’m alive because when you don’t even see me on Facebook you know it’s bad. A couple of shots from the stunning Abby Lynn’s photo shoot. She’s a talented singer and incredibly fun girl. Not to hard to photograph either 🙂 a complete natural in front of the camera. The photography is for multiple uses, hopefully a new website (we all want to see more of you Abby!), CD cover art, etc.