Yup. Charleston. South Carolina. Funny story about this, I went to a psychic years and years ago (Okay, I LOVE that kind of thing, now you know I’m a nerd too). I wanted to get out of Miami so badly it hurt. She told me that it would happen and when it did I was going to move somewhere I never in a million years would decide to move. She said when I visited this place, Sam and I would both just know it was where we were supposed to be. That was like, 6 years ago. 6 YEARS. So she was completely right. No offense, but I’m a Yankee girl from NH who moved to the capital of Latin America (Miami, hello) for 9 years. Let’s just say, I didn’t expect our politics to match and that people would like this left wing, immigrant lover, civil rights supporter who can’t and won’t keep her mouth shut about things she believes in. But here we are. And we are so head over heels in love with this place.
Now you also know why I’ve been completely silent on the blog front for so many months. Last summer, work was going crazy. I was so busy that my team of girls and I were all pushing 40+ hours a week to complete all the projects coming in. Then in October, Sam go the offer we couldn’t refuse. Not only was it a great company asking him to come, but they flew me out with him for the interview so I could see Charleston, and boom, fireworks. We were smitten. So he had to start by the end of the month. That gave us about 3 weeks to pack our house, find a new home, and move. Did I mention this is all with a toddler running around?
With the help of the most amazing girls in the world (who I miss everyday), we made it here. The next few months became a spiral of flights back and forth from Miami, unpacking and house hunting, finding childcare and learning our way around, making friends, hosting visitors, and working like crazy. To pretend this has calmed down is a lie. It’s still a whirlwind of chaos. But I do have some organization to it. I have a space here I shoot in. It’s not my ideal studio yet so once we do buy a house I can start searching for my studio. I kept my Miami studio (well, Fort Lauderdale one) and so when I fly back I have that space for shooting which is great. Turns out Jetblue has just started direct flights from Charleston to Fort Lauderdale, which are about 1.5 hours long, how great is that! So it’s let me keep running the business in Miami that I need to and still do smaller jobs here. Most clients are shipping me everything unless it is on model and then I have been flying down. It is working out incredibly well.
So there you have it. The reason I’m off the grid for so long and you aren’t seeing me around anywhere. For all my clients, thank you for still working with me even though it is a little more production now to get me there! I love you all so much!! And of course, if anyone fancies a trip to Charleston, you are always welcome! And I’m not really starting over because I am still in South Florida, I’m just ALSO in Charleston now. 😉
With that, I’ll show a few personal shots (aka, cell phone, facebook captures) of life here so far, so I can share how amazing it has already been!