Didn’t make the cut

Re-shoots happen. It’s part of the publishing industry. Chef Clay is an awesome guy, totally laid back and has a good sense of humor. I’m sure when Ocean Drive set up the shoot for him in a farmers market everything was thinking the same thing, white stalls, fresh fruits & veggies displayed beautifully in front of charismatic vendors. So upon showing up to the farmers market in Coconut Grove we were a bit surprised.
It was a photographers nightmare. A blue and white circus tent sitting under a tree so almost no light is available to shoot with and you can’t bounce because it’s a color shot and there’s blue on top. Decaying boxes of fruits and vegetables that are sitting on top of white buckets. Although the product looked gorgeous, it’s a far cry from the streets of Paris.

So we worked with what we could and despite the obstacles came away with a great shot that seemed to capture Clay’s easygoing nature perfectly. Although Ocean Drive couldn’t make it work, word has it this shot divided the office down the middle, half being able to appreciate it despite the third world characteristics and the other half unable to get past them. XOXO ~Kate Benson


Sneak Peak

Two AMAZING photo shoots today, both for Ocean Drive Magazine. Here are some sneak peaks of Tamara Galinsky (owner of Jet Set Pilates on South Beach) on the beach from this afternoon. She is amazing to photograph, it felt more like shooting a model than a portrait. I love it when that happens! Enjoy!

(2018 Edit: We’ve gone through a few different website hosts since this post. We are also looking for these images!)

Ocean Drive Magazine Dec 2010

The start of December in Miami is Art Basel. It’s an amazing time of year to be here. Everyone gets their art on, hitting the galleries and exhibits featured all over the city. The magazines are no exception, most of them viewing the December issue to be the most important issue of the year for them. Along that note it is always an honor to be personally featured in the magazines. Ocean Drive Magazine for the second December in a row asked me to be in the contributors section. Of course I happily accepted their invitation. Take a look at how Kate Benson Photography | New York | Miami is seen throughout this months issue.



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