Many apologies for the girls out there. Once again your voices have been overshadowed by the cheering from the men who enjoy wallpaper Wednesday. So per requested, we have another hottie. Sam, (yeah my husband Sam) asked for a bikini specifically. Being the happy to oblige wife that I am I’ve posted this shot. Summers not over yet. I hope this inspires you when you sit down at your computer to make plans to go to the pool or beach after work. Unless your freelance, then maybe the inspiration will send you during work hours (shame of shames!!) for a quick dip. If your in the north, you won’t have many opportunities left as alas, it is September. I think you’ve all seen this shot before, but have you ever seen it as a background for your desktop (wink wink)?

Awesome shot! What can I say, us men are very visual. Keep it up!
Thanks Rick! Glad you like it and hope your doing well! Always great to hear from you 🙂