On Thursday night last week I was texted by Sofia asking if I had any time to take a portrait of her… tomorrow. It’s always a bit hard to make that work, usually by that point the next day is planned out to the minute. Sofia said she had been hoping to get a portrait done for a while and was finally able to make it happen. This is something familiar to me, calling people last minute to see if they can see me, acupuncturist, physical therapist, etc. My schedule just doesn’t let me make an appointment a week ahead (at least not if I want to keep it). Was it karma? Fate? One way or another I know that with all the times people have accommodated me I was going to make this happen for her. I shuffled things around, and was able to give Sofia a time she was also available to take her portrait.
The shoot was awesome, Sofia is such an awesome person, who also, like many awesome people, has no idea how beautiful and awesome she is. This image was my favorite, she choose a few others, but I had to blog it. She is an artist and I imagine that if her work is half as awesome as she is then she’ll have lots of success.