About a week or so ago a company called The Snugg reached out to me to see if I would review their cases for iPads/iPhones/Kindels/Tablets/Smartphones/etc. So because I have so much free time (can you hear the sarcasm in my typing? Or did the no blog post since July give it away that I’ve been slammed) I agreed. It’s long overdue for a blog post anyway and so I was hoping that this push to review the case would also get the ball rolling again, only time will tell. I have an older model iPad, the case on it before was a slim one that I grabbed from the Apple store when I bought it. At the time I figured it would protect the iPad if I dropped it and that was pretty much all I needed. This is where it needs to be mentioned that the anticipated use of the iPad was slim. Credit card processing, maybe playing Pandora while I worked, that was about all I figured I would use it for. Oh no. I was so very wrong there. Not a day goes by that myself or my husband doesn’t use it for something and the Apple case I bought at the time has since shown me that while it functions and does stop the iPad from breaking, that is about all it will do. The stand is wobbly at best, but pretty useless and I still have to carry a bag full of business cards and other items to meetings.
Enter, The Snugg Case.

I opted to try their Snugg Executive Case iPad2. It has a super sturdy stand, an attachment for a pen and room for my business cards and promos. I didn’t think it would make life as much easier as it has, but wow, what a difference. An actual functioning stand is underrated. Even if you don’t use your iPad for work, say you just want to be able to follow a recipe, the screen on that iPad shuts off constantly and you are always having to wake it back up. Being able to do this with one hand so you don’t cover your iPad in flour or whatever other mess you have on one of your hands is really awesome. In a meeting, my clients don’t accidentally knock over my iPad anymore when they lightly touch the screen to point out something. Having the ability to not carry a bag full of other items (pen/paper/business cards/promo’s/etc) is really awesome too. Showing up to the meeting organized tells the client I’ll be organized on the shoot too.
So with the holidays right around the corner, whether it’s a gift for your household iPad or you need to write off a little more this year (although this case is super affordable compared to what a similar case would cost at Apple) I do highly recommend The Snugg.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!