Wallpaper Wednesday
So in the midst of this crazy shooting week, I couldn’t forget a wallpaper for you. This one should be familiar to most of you, but maybe not from this angel. Enjoy!

So in the midst of this crazy shooting week, I couldn’t forget a wallpaper for you. This one should be familiar to most of you, but maybe not from this angel. Enjoy!
Many apologies for the girls out there. Once again your voices have been overshadowed by the cheering from the men who enjoy wallpaper Wednesday. So per requested, we have another hottie. Sam, (yeah my husband Sam) asked for a bikini specifically. Being the happy to oblige wife that I am I’ve posted this shot. Summers not over yet. I hope this inspires you when you sit down at your computer to make plans to go to the pool or beach after work. Unless your freelance, then maybe the inspiration will send you during work hours (shame of shames!!) for a quick dip. If your in the north, you won’t have many opportunities left as alas, it is September. I think you’ve all seen this shot before, but have you ever seen it as a background for your desktop (wink wink)?
I love this long exposure of the pier at South Point. It’s true photography of Miami, the real Miami. Not too far under the Art Deco and neon rest the memories of a community that went through a lot of change. The pier is abandoned but not torn down. Just gated off so no one passes. Sometimes a lot of Miami feels like that. A place where change happened so fast that there wasn’t time to take away the old and unused. Instead we built around and over it, learning to ignore the past of the city.
A reminder why we live in Miami. This happens once or twice a year. The most insane fog you’ve ever seen and unless you can wake up early and get above the cloud line, you would never know it happened.
Okay, my bad. I didn’t do this last week. But to be honest, I didn’t do anything I needed to last week other than eat, sleep, shoot and retouch (there wasn’t that much eating and sleeping in truth). So it killed me not to post on Wednesday. Honestly! And to make up for it, since the only people I know who use wallpaper Wednesday are boys (sorry girls but you need to speak up if you want VIP treatment) here’s a little hottie for you. It’s still a PG hottie, actually it’s a head shot so it’s not much for a sexy photo at all. But she has one good looking mug!
Couldn’t resist a little shot from Bimini this weekend! Enjoy~