Wallpaper Wednesday

Monday I posted a bunch of my work from the Kentucky part of my summer trip, today I’m posting from an earlier part of the trip, the Oregon part. One of my best friends tied the knot on the Oregon coast and this wallpaper is from the beach she married on. She grew up visiting this coast and while we were students are Rhode Island School of Design together her thesis was a collection of images from beaches inspired by (and including) this same beach where she married. If I could find some of her work from RISD I would post it. Her images were unbelievable. But she decided to shoot only for recreation only after collage and now works as the image buyer for Adidas. Maybe seeing this post will convince her to at least put some of her images online somewhere. Even if it’s just a Flickr account. I’d love to share with you her version of the beach, but until then, enjoy mine.

Fishing and shooting (also known as what did I take pictures of on my vacations)

It seems when I am going to travel somewhere my schedule fills up completely before and after the trip. This, I’m sure, has nothing to do with me calling and warning clients I’ll be going away and so if they want images before I travel to schedule asap (note my cyber sarcasm). So everything went on hold while I busted my butt photographing everything possible. Then off I went to Phoenix, Oregon, and Kentucky. It’s a really nice time of year to get away from Miami, where it is brutally hot. But, in true Miami style, I was welcomed back by Tropical Storm Isaac.
So I’ve got nothing to do but sit down and write. Actually write a blog post. I couldn’t leave the house if I wanted to and shooting from in here to out there would look about the same as shooting a grey card at the moment (get it, because of all the rain? It’s not a white out like in a snow storm, it’s a grey out… like in a rain storm…. oh never-mind).

Truth be told, I didn’t take too many pictures while I was traveling. But in Kentucky, I couldn’t resist documenting our “Fishing & Shooting” day. Yes, a day where you drink beer, fish and then drink more beer and shoot. It took a lot of convincing to make me stop shooting my camera and try my aim at the guns, I’m not really into firing guns. I have no problem personally with them but (and this is really girly of me) we had a wedding 3 days later and the last thing I wanted was a bruised shoulder with my pretty little dress. I know, such a girl. Alas, I did fire a few rounds, I believe hitting mark (clay pigeons, not anything alive) a few times. I actually re-applied some of the gun aiming technique to my camera shooting in low light and found it really worked. It was a pleasant surprise. Here are some of my favorite shots of the day.

(2018 Edit: I took this gallery down because looking back on it years later, it was a little bit embarrassing! Luckily, my photography skills have significantly improved!)

Wallpaper Wednesday

Two weeks ago I shot for the Girls of Absfuel Calendar. Absfuel holds a contest on Facebook where each month girls submit their photos for consideration. At the end of the month one girl wins a contract with Absfuel and is flown to the Fontainebleau  Miami Beach has a photo shoot for the Absfuel calendar.  The first 3 winners came down and we had an amazing day shooting them. The shots that made the cut for the calendar are top secret but this is one of my favorite out takes from the shoot. I hope model Ashley Brooke (who is meeting with a few agencies down here soon) likes the shot as much as I do!

Wallpaper Wednesday

A quirky wallpaper this week. Sort of reminds me of when I was a student at Rhode Island School of Design. I like the way it feels like a shot you would take when you first picked up a camera and started exploring. This was with my little point and shoot Lumix while I was at the barn my sister-in-law keeps her horse at. It was a great morning hanging with my niece and nephew as well. So one of these days I’ll get a chance to show some previews of all the work I’ve been doing! Three days into the week and I’ve photographed a singer, 3 models, and shoes already! Tomorrow and the next day are some much needed retouching days! Which means I’d love a friendly phone call from anyone to talk away the hours with me, any takers? anyone? no? Come on!!

Wallpaper Wednesday

In the last 5 days I’ve photographed, jewelry, shoes, an actress, a model, and an opera singer. There was no weekend for me. There wasn’t even time to think about it. Somehow, I managed to get the retouching finished as well on all but the Opera Singer (but we shot her yesterday so I feel like that is okay). Tomorrow I have two shoots booked, then two more on Friday. When it rains it pours doesn’t it? And since today is raining, and the shoots scheduled for today postponed, I will send this blog post out, cook something tasty that will take all day, and eat it with my friends tonight. Opening a window for Pintrest now, and enjoy the new wallpaper (it’s Ecaterina Andreev, the beautiful model I photographed on Sunday, she is signed with Elite Miami but heading to Milan very soon).

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