Wallpaper Wednesday

My husband and I just finished an epic series of trips. We flew to Scottsdale, AZ for our future God Daughters baby shower (Elle should be here this month! Very excited!), rented a car and drove to LA (got to see so many of my awesome friends and family), drove with one of my best friends and her sister to San Fran (where we got to meet so many new friends), flew home, had a visit from the awesome Cousin Pete, flew to Portland, OR (and totally fell in love with it out there). I think we completed all these trips in less than 4 weeks. Now I could promise that I’ll be better at posting Wallpaper Wednesdays and I was just flaking on these posts because of the nature of being on the road, but one quick look in the archives would dispell this myth fast. I’m terrible at it. This time last year (shhhh don’t tell anyone) I had my awesome intern (and super talented) photographer turned, assistant to the city planner, turned romancer of my little sister (she’s moving in with him this fall) Matt Mornick write all my blog posts. Go to his website and check out his blog posts. If he wasn’t distracted by his new socially responsible path of hopefully becoming a city planner someday he could deviate and make an amazing photographer. So now it’s up to me. To try and focus (ambitious). Can I do it? Can I actually buckle down and dedicate one blog post a week to an image that dear reader, you can post as your wallpaper? I hope so but won’t’ be holding my breath either.

My husband Sam posted this image on Facebook just after our trip, guess he was too excited to wait to show everyone (given my history with posting wallpapers I will let him off the hook). He’s had this as his background image since then (3 weeks?) he loves it and so do I. Making this a great image to start with!

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