Day two: After breakfast, and goodbyes to our friends who had to head North, my sister and I rented bikes and scouted more locations (with a few stops on the beach).

We formed a game plan of where to shoot and then starred in horror as the thickest fog in 10 years rolled in and covered Mallory Square. So much for that shot of the street performers and tourists at sunset. But reminding myself that this is about intentions and recognizing that because the expect shot was impossible it opened the door for an opportunity, we saw potential in foggy Mallory square. So disappointment turned into a pleasant surprise and we caught some more great shots.

Perfecting the art of riding a bike while balancing a tripod in it’s front basket enabled us to travel a lot further and shoot off Duval Street. The Green Parrot was beautiful along with a few deserted foggy street corners. Into the night we shot and had a great dinner with our friend and host Doug at Pepe’s. Knowing we would have to head out early we opted to finish shooting and call it a night, bringing CF cards of amazing images back home with us.