Miami Fashion Photographer Kate Benson | Behind-the-Scenes Zacasha Shoot

Last week I shot the 2015 campaign for Zacasha, a wonderful upscale bohemian-style jewelry company. My intern Marina did an awesome job filming the shoot and my assistant Kristin put together a video of the behind-the-scenes. It was a wonderful day with a fabulous team; from the designer Jennifer to her assistants Melani and Leah, from the models Laura Fernandes and Eilie Bennett @ Next Models Miami to the hair and makeup artist Virginia Le Fay, from the gorgeous necklaces and bracelets to the carefully planned outfits pulling from personal collections and Island Girl Miami, everything ran smoothly and we ended up with some truly amazing shots.
Here is the video. Enjoy!

Follow this link for more work by Miami Fashion Photographer Kate Benson.

Gregory Crewdson, Brief Encounters

From the first moment I was exposed to Gregory Crewdsons work it was love. Sitting in the auditorium at Rhode Island School of Design, midway through my degree, Crewdson in an honest, brilliant speech opened my eyes to another side of photography. He was admirably honest to even the most invasive questioning (“exactly how much money to you make on a photo and exactly how much does it cost to produce one?”) his haunting photography has sat with me ever since. His, is an intriguing story of personal development and the path he followed to this type of movie production photography was one of very hard work. To say that I am excited to see Brief Encounters would be an understatement. Often I find myself watching behind the scenes or stories of photographers to catch glimpses of their production in hopes of learning a tip or two. With Crewdson there is no chance of this. I know that watching will do what listening in that lecture hall did, leave my mouth agape, staring in disbelief at the story of a man whose photography is as surreal to create as it is finished.


Wallpaper Wednesday

So in the midst of this crazy shooting week, I couldn’t forget a wallpaper for you. This one should be familiar to most of you, but maybe not from this angel. Enjoy!

Wallpaper Wednesday

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Dream of porch wine and long, warm days!
All images are available for purchase as fine art prints.  Just shoot me an email and we’ll send one your way!


Something to aspire to!

Getting inspired!!
These are blogs that put other photobloggers to shame. I imagine keeping up with these blogs alone take all the photographers time! If only one day I could travel the world to take pictures, then play with them in retouching and post them to my blog for a living. *sigh* A photographer can dream can’t she??

Stuck in Customs -wow, wow, wow, Trey Ratcliff way to be dedicate! He promises to put a new photo on every day and keeps that promise (claims to only miss about 10 days a year). Somehow, between traveling the world to take pictures, giving speeches + interviews, playing with all his fun Nik software tricks, he sits down and creates (from what I can tell) a substantial post with a photo. The real kicker, the photo’s are really really good! Most photographers would be happy to create a shot like that a month, or a year even! Trey just whips them out every day.

Durham Township -Kathleen Connally, showing us the way to look around you to find amazing photos. She’s not traveling the world like Trey, she driving/walking/exploring around her town and county showing us how beautiful photos can be taken without paying for those plane tickets. Although she doesn’t post every day (we can’t all be like Trey) she posts a lot. Check out the photo information, she isn’t shy about letting us know what she’s shooting with and doing to each picture to get the images to look like that! It’s a great learning tool, and she has motivated me to purchase a new lens or two.

And just for fun, Stumbled Across This Gem -It’s not always about pretty pictures, sometime it’s about resources. This list of helpful links includes photoblogs, creative sites like and more. It’s from and called the top 100 photography blogs, very cool.

What’s your favorite photoblog?

(2018 Edit: Unfortunately, and are discontinued.)


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