E-commerce Photographer South Florida | The Picture Sells the Product

Sometimes it’s hard to justify the cost of e-commerce photography, especially when the product will be photographed on a model. Instead of just paying for the photography, the client will need a whole team to produce photography that will sell products. That means (in some cases): photographer, model, hair & makeup (not always one person for both), stylist, assistants, location, catering (if the shoot is going to be a full day), etc., etc., etc. It’s hard to imagine getting all that on the budget that most startups have. So, how can you make the photo shoot worth it? Considering that a startup has a smaller budget, the goal would be to shoot less product perfectly, rather than shooting all of your product in a mediocre fashion. Think quality, not quantity. It certainly isn’t worth wasting the budget on sub-par shots. In the world of e-commerce photography, if you can’t do it right, don’t do it.

Recently, I came across a photograph of a swimsuit I liked. The still life shot looked really good and it was selling to me.

So I decided to follow the link to the website where I could buy it. Once there, I saw more shots of the swimsuit, including some that were on model and I really, really liked the swimsuit!

But, unfortunately, it was sold out. Lucky for me the company had put the designer’s name on the swimsuit so I did a quick search to see if I could buy the swimsuit directly from the designer’s website. And that, my readers, is when I did a double-take. I could not believe it was the same swimsuit. The designer had different colors but I had NO desire to buy this product in any color. It looked terrible in the still life; all the various colored swimsuits were shot differently. On model it was unflattering as well.

As you can imagine based on these photos, I’m not sold for a lot of reasons. Let’s look at this on model first. The suit isn’t showing me the side details at all, her pose is awkward and not relaxed which makes me wonder if that is because the swimsuit isn’t comfortable. This isn’t clear to me that the swimsuit is reversible here. I can’t figure out why I’m not seeing the back of the light blue swimsuit (it takes me a while to figure out that the dark blue is the outside of the light blue swimsuit and that is what I’m seeing).

The still life images vary quite a bit. One shot makes the bottom look uncomfortably small. The straps are all different on the tops and it just looks messy. The description on the image tells us the color of one side and the bungee but not the reversible side which makes me wonder if they are all reversible , especially for those whose color is closer to skin color. Or, in the case of the palm print suit, I have no idea if it is even reversible.

I can only imagene the return on investment (ROI) for the first images was astronomically higher than the ROI of the second set of images. I’m sure the budget for the first set of images was also much higher. So to be fair, this is a “you-get-what-you-can-pay-for” situation.

Now, here’s what I would have done. If the client didn’t have the budget for great shots in all colors, I would have recommended that we shoot one swimsuit perfectly, then shoot color swatches of the details for each alternative colored swimsuit. If the budget allowed for it, I would say shoot that swimsuit on a model because the ROI will be bigger. If the budget didn’t allow for it then shoot one perfect still life and, if possible, one group shot with each swimsuit stacked showing the detail of each swimsuit displaying the bungee, the color inside and the color outside.

This would save time (and hence, money) by not having to style the whole swimsuit.

So there you have it. My two cents, from an e-commerce photographer’s perspective on what to do to optimize your e-commerce photography ROI.

Still Life Photographer Miami | but before I give these back, let me just shoot one more thing…

One of my clients is the fan-freaking-tastic eyewear designer Christian Roth. I adove (adore + love = adove) the stylish sunglasses and eyewear they create and the team, Christian Roth and Eric Domége, as well. I’ve enjoyed photographing their product and even been able to capture Christian and Eric in front of my camera for Miami Modern Luxury Magazine.


They have flattered me using the images I shot for them on their blog and Instagram:

Used my other portraits of them in other publications and blog:

And of course, their catalog and product shots on their website:

So I’ve had my hands on their product to photograph quite a few times now and I fall more and more in love with it each time. Yesterday, I found myself with a few free moments. October has been my busiest month to date. ever. So I was shocked I had a minute. Naturally, I used this moment to shoot! I am returning product to the boys tomorrow so if I didn’t get these beauties in front of my lens one more time I would cry.

Here are some of my shots where I just enjoyed my freedoms to shoot what I saw, how I styled and lit. Completely sans art direction. Enjoy…. (and please forgive that I haven’t retouched these at all, there wasn’t THAT much extra time!)

2012: Miami Photographer | Recap.

2012: A year of tremendous growth as a photographer and for my business. One of the highlights of the year was being elected to the position of Vice President to our American Society of Media Photographers South Florida Chapter (ASMP-SoFL). I felt missing connections to other photographers in my Miami life. Part of the reason I left the Boston area was because I couldn’t connect with any of the other photographers there. But through ASMP-SoFL this year, I met some truly amazing photographers and people who I consider friends now. Helping run the chapter was enough to keep anyone busy, there was a huge learning curve and coming to the board for the first time, then being voted in as Vice President, it was a trial by fire for sure. But worth it and I’m excited to keep working with ASMP-SoFL in 2013. I also have to thank 2012 for a barrage of new clients. Working as a photographer means spending a lot of alone time in the studio/in front of the computer/etc. Getting to meet new people, new clients, and interact with them is a huge highlight of being a photographer. This year I had the pleasure of starting relationships with so many wonderful people. People I would be thrilled to spend time with off the clock as well as on. I know I had a blessed year when not one of the clients who hired me did I have a difficult time with. So thank you to all who found their way to my studio this year! Not to be discredited, my existing clients. Year after year I’ve had the pleasure of watching some small businesses become big companies, some big companies transition gracefully, and I love all of it. These clients come year after year, month after month, and some week after week and are the lifeblood of Kate Benson Photography. If their companies suffer, so does mine. Happily 2012 was a great year for them as well and I congratulate all of those amazing teams of people for doing so well and being so awesome to work with. Naturally, no one knows what is in store for the future. I’m optimistic that 2013 will be another great year. Life can change a lot in a year, businesses can change even faster. I hope for everyone to have a Happy New Year and pray that 2013 will bring happiness and fulfillment to you all!

Wallpaper Wednesday

Here is a little Triptych for you this Wednesday. Hopefully it will get everyone inspired for some fun activities. This is of one of my favorite fashion models, Ekaterina, who is truely as awesome a person inside as out!


Miami Jewelry Photographer | Kate Benson Photography and Earthy Chic Boutique

Recently I had the pleasure of photographing the ecommerce images for Earthy Chic Boutique. This company was started by two incredibly fun sweet girls who sell in Mary Brickell Village but needed to get a website up and running. Jewelry photography is one of the  most complex and sensitive types of photography, do it right and you can beautiful shots, do it wrong and it can look really, really terrible. As many have, the girls did their own photography while putting together their budget for professional photography and as they explained to me, it only encouraged them to get into the studio and get some professional photos right away. Happily we were able to get the pieces in here and turned around in a couple of days (quite a feat since they had over 80 pieces). Well, the girls haven’t got the website up and running yet, but it you love anything you see here go give them a visit in Mary Brickell Village and when the website is up and running I’ll post a link for everyone!

Here are a few of my favorite pieces from Earthy Chic Boutique:


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